Romeo y Julieta 1875 Nicaragua (orange)
Romeo y Julieta 1875 Nicaragua Cigars
To create a truly superlative cigar, you must begin with the highest quality and most esteemed tobacco available. The Romeo y Julieta 1875 Nicaragua is derived solely of choice, hand-selected leaves, harvested from the rich, volcanic soils of Nicaragua.
Hand-crafted in Nicaragua by the esteemed Plasencia family
Full flavored cigar, dressed in 100% Nicaraguan tobacco
Rich and bold profile with complex, opulent flavors
Throw yourself into the latest chapter of America’s love story.
25 count box
Magnum 20 count box
Available Sizes:
Bully 5 x 50, Churchill 7 x 52,
Magnum 6 x 60, Toro 6 x 50